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Upgrade My Service

Do you need an upgrade? When electric system designers set up service to your home or business, they do so with your end-usage in mind. If you need to add a significant amount of electric load down the road, you may need to upgrade your electric service. New electric loads may result in additional […]

Heat Pump Water Heaters

[…] upgrade available. Plus, after the rebate and tax credit a heat pump water heater could pay for itself in under a year. Heat pump water heaters are designed to fit into the same locations as standard electric water heaters and are just as durable but there are some differences: They draw heat from the […]

Do I have to be the owner of the property?
Yes. FEC will only loan money to the property owner(s) of record, unless you are the legally designated agent for the homeowner (i.e. Trusts, Wills, and Power of Attorney). In that case, you will be required to provide legal documentation [...]

Co-op Connection – Meet Collin Novotny
Get to know the people working for you. Meet Collin Novotny, Geographic Information System (GIS) Supervisor

Why don’t you trim all the trees around the power lines?
The majority of our power outages are weather and tree-related. That’s one of the unfortunate realities of living in this beautiful (and heavily treed) area of Northwest Montana. Because of this, Flathead Electric Co-op has a robust Vegetation Management Program. [...]

Air Source Heat Pumps

[…] home.   Increase Your Comfort Year-Round: Heat pumps provide high efficiency heat and also deliver comfortable air conditioning during hot smoky summers.  Easy Installation: Ducted heat pumps are designed to fit in the same space as your current furnace requiring no major changes to your home.  Get a loan to help pay for this upgrade: […]

Co-op awarded CIDER funding, energy survey underway

[…] grid or when power prices spike. While members who participate in these programs will benefit directly from reduced electrical demand during peak periods, these programs are ultimately designed to benefit all Co-op members by ensuring reliable power supply and keeping electricity bills lower.  Grant funding will provide a distributed energy resource management system (DERMS) […]