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How long does it take to restore power after an outage?
It depends: Removing a branch from a power line is usually relatively simple and quick. Replacing a broken power pole or digging up buried cable to find and repair a fault is a much longer process. Outages can last from [...]

Safety First Video: Move Over
Did you know it’s the law to move over for utility service vehicles pulled over on the side of the road, responding to emergencies? Watch a video about the Move Over law.

Video: Roundup for Safety 2023 in review
What did your rounded-up pennies do for our community last year? Watch the video for Roundp for Safety stats from 1997-2023!

Video: What is Demand?
Watch this video to learn a high-level overview of what electrical demand is and how it affects your Cooperative.

Video: Understanding Demand
Answering your questions about the residential demand charge.