Watch a 3-minute video, or scroll down for descriptions of the different parts of your bill and what they mean.

Example bill from Flathead Electric Cooperative highlighting the Billing Summary

Billing Summary

This box shows information about your account including the amount of your last bill, current charges, and any credits you have on your bill.

Example bill from Flathead Electric Cooperative highlighting the Credits section


Credits are shown in this block with the letters CR after the amount. Credits can include a $0.50 paperless and electronic account credit for members who choose paperless and autopay. If Capital Credits are applied directly to your account during a billing cycle, that credit will show up here.

Example bill from Flathead Electric Cooperative highlighting the Roundup for Safety section

Roundup for Safety

The Roundup for Safety program rounds up your bill to the nearest dollar each month, and these funds are donated to safety projects in our service area. Roundup for Safety is a voluntary program.

Example bill from Flathead Electric Cooperative highlighting the Service Description and Current Service Detail section

Service Description & Current Service Detail

The information in the Current Service Detail box is an extrapolation of the data that is gathered directly from your meter, which is shown in the Service Description box above. This meter data is your past month’s electrical consumption.

Example bill from Flathead Electric Cooperative highlighting the Energy use chart section

Energy usage chart

A graphical representation of your energy use compared to the previous year. The green line shows your highest demand by each month.

Example bill from Flathead Electric Cooperative highlighting the Demand Charge section

Demand Charge

The Demand Charge is based on the highest demand(kW) measured during the Co-op’s peak hours in each member’s billing cycle. Our peak hours occur Monday through Friday, from 7 to 10 a.m. and from 5-8 p.m. (no weekends or major federal holidays). Your bill will state here what your peak demand was from the past month, and in which hour of the month you hit it. You are only charged once per month for the highest peak you incur during our peak hours.

Basic Charge

The basic charge does not change from month-to-month. It is based on each member’s share of the fixed cost to deliver service to you (including the cost to build and maintain the power grid, equipment, facilities and the cost of labor to run the Cooperative).